16 April 2009

make more from adsense by removing adsense!

To date, I've talked about the importance of sites based on a tight theme and how you don't want to try and cover a hundred unrelated topics on one website. SmartPricing does not treat you well when you have unrelated topics on the same site.

However, there is something else that seems to defy logic that will often improve your AdSense earnings:

Remove AdSense from off your pages.

Woah! REMOVE AdSense? How can you make more money FROM AdSense if you REMOVE it?

Ok, that's a bit dramatic. You obviously don't want to take AdSense off of all of your pages. But you do not want to be showing AdSense on pages that show very badly targetted ads, especially if those pages are getting a lot of traffic.

Remember that SmartPricing takes a number of things into account when figuring out how much you should earn per click, and remember that the conversion rate of your site is one of those things.

If AdSense is showing ads that aren't very relevant to your pages, then the clicks you're getting on those pages are going to be what I call "passive interest" clicks–clicks that are just out of curiosity and not out of a real desire to buy or a genuine interest in the product shown in the ad.

The more passive interest clicks you get, the lower your conversion rate will be, since these kinds of clicks rarely result in anybody buying anything. SmartPricing takes a look at your conversion rate, sees that it's low, and the next thing you know your earnings go DOWN even though you have MORE pages.

On the other hand, if you take AdSense off of those pages that aren't showing good, targeted ads, then the reverse hapens: your conversion rate goes up, SmartPricing takes note and increases your earnings per click accordingly.

It is very often the case that you will make more from SmartPricing liking all of your pages than from SmartPricing liking most of your pages and hating a few of the others.

This is one of the flaws in SmartPricing. It's not based on the performance of the individual page, but rather on the performance of the site as a whole (and some think it's based on the performance of your entire account).

In a perfect world, AdSense should take note of which pages are performing well or badly, and reward or penalize each individual page's earnings per click and not the entire site's. But that's not how it works, at least not now.

I just read a thread at a popular AdSense forum where a webmaster who gets 70,000 page views a day put AdSense on a section of his site where the ads shown weren't very targeted. He ran that way for a month and although the new section added 15,000 page views a day, his earnings actually DROPPED 20% over the month. Ouch.

So take a day and remove AdSense from the pages or sections of your site that tend to show badly targeted ads, and let it run that way for about two weeks.

If you see that your earnings rise, then goody for you! If your earnings go down, then SmartPricing either liked those pages for a reason other than the conversion rate (not likely), or your site as a whole is not liked by SmartPricing, and those pages alone were not the problem.

Lastly, if you put AdSense on a page or a section of your site and the ads showing are not well targeted, look out! Next time SmartPricing does it's calculation (which seems to happen about once a week), your earnings per click might plummet.

So watch those pages and those ads, and make sure they are helping, and not hurting, your bottom line.
by Jonathan Leger

source : http://www.jonathanleger.com/

5 reasons many adsense sites don't make money

With the huge success Google’s Adsense has been reaping, there are now only a handful of sites you’ll see that doesn’t feature Adsense on their sites. Everyone is hoping that they could make huge earnings from this pay-per-click affiliate program scheme Google has launched.

While there are many success stories (they are true) of sites that have generated good income from Adsense, there are still some sites that couldn’t grasp the real way of making an earning from Adsense.

This is because many people have failed to generate the needed factors to create a successful site that compliments the features Adsense provides. Many webmasters just put up or create mediocre sites and place Adsense on their site and just sits back and waits for the cash to roll in.

If that is the mentality of a site owner, then he won't earn from Adsense. Remember, a mediocre site will also get mediocre earnings.

To finally realize the Adsense dream, a webmaster must produce a site that has the factors and characteristics needed to generate the traffic and clicks it needs to be profitable. There are many things a webmaster needs to do to achieve this and be one of the millions of sites who have successfully done so. But there are so much more things a site owner has failed to do to make their site more Adsense friendly.

Here are five reasons why many Adsense sites don’t make money.

1) There are no good keywords on the site.

Many sites have failed to do the very essence of search engine optimization, Good Keywords. The internet has many websites competing for the attention of the “netizens” and many sites contain the same or almost the same subjects, topics or niches. To date, Google is searching at over three billion sites; good keywords can get you a good lead above all the other sites.

It is essential that you research well on finding the good keywords your site can use to generate the traffic and get a high ranking on the search engines results. If many internet users are directed to your site, you get a huge opportunity to get great traffic. With traffic comes the profit.

In making money you must spend some. Invest in a good program that searches good and proper keywords for your site. These keywords that people are looking for changes and varies, a good keyword searcher is an investment that just keeps on giving.

2) The site doesn’t provide a good niche.

To get the attention of the people, you must provide a site that can perk up the interest of the people. Adsense works well if you maintain a good number of traffic, you have to keep the people’s interest on your site and have a group of people to keep coming back to your site and have them recommend it.

You must also find a niche wherein these groups of people are interested in. Find the right niche and you’ll find the right group of people that are willing to spend some money.

3) The site owner doesn’t maintain or update their site.

You can only maintain the interest of a person for a short period of time. Many websites have failed to keep up the traffic they generate for their failure to keep their site updated. Immerse yourself in your niche and try to find out what’s new and what’s hot.

You have to serve something new to the people or if not, try to keep abreast with the developments of your niche or maybe add some sub-niches on your site that still pertains to your niche to get new traffic and keep the attention of your clients in your site.

4) Some website owners don’t provide the full attention to their Adsense sites.

Many people just see their sites as a way to earn some extra money. You have to treat Adsense sites as a full size business to make it big. With the heavy competition you have, a good webmaster should treat their site as if it is their main source of income but still maintain a good schedule of their time.

5) Many webmasters have failed to devout time and research to their Adsense site.

Many elements are needed to build a successful Adsense site. Good keywords and the right niches can roll in the dough, but this takes time and effort. It is imperative to devout a certain amount of time in looking for ways to develop your Adsense site.

The internet is abound of sites that could help your own site. A little time, money and hard work can spell the huge difference between a successful Adsense site and a mediocre one.
by Kevin Anderson

source : http://www.onlinegoldfinder.com

using adsense templates to boost your site

Your AdSense program can benefit greatly by using a pre-made Adsense tool. Today’s most dynamic and robust sites can offer better traffic, increased Web clicks, and a stronger Web presence to keep your AdSense program profitable and consistent. Pre-made Adsense programs allow you the freedom of organizing your data and information easily and effectively. Instead of the ads being placed haphazardly across a site, with minimal chances of getting clicks, a template can help you put together an appealing and attractive site format.

Pre-made Adsense Websites should be designed with simple and minimal colors for high impact. Take a look at sites you currently visit, and notice the color themes, schemes, and backgrounds. It’s likely that the most appealing and user-friendly have only four or five basic colors. Adapt this to your site, and you’ll easily create a more attractive site for your potential Web traffic.

Pre-made Adsense Websites make your site simple and easy to navigate. Too much media-rich content, flashing ads, banners, or other pieces will lose the attention of your visitors very easily. Incorporating an AdSense template will make sure that the most important areas are seen first, and a user can be comfortable and more likely to click your ads in the process!

An effective AdSense strategy will include additional articles and links to your subject, topic, or blog. This works even better if you can set up other sites that link to your particular subject, and add additional click-through ads on the sites! Articles keep the reader engaged, more likely to continue reading your site or blog, and encourage them to review the ads around the textboxes.

Pre-made Adsense Websites also allow you to easily track visitors and traffic. When you use this template-style site, you’ll easily be able to analyze and see how well your site is doing on a daily basis. Almost all AdSense Website packages offer some form of measuring tools and traffic count devices for you to use. You’ll be able to review where people are clicking, how often, and even during what times of the month. If you’re linking out to other sites, you’ll be able to see how and where these links are coming in from. This information can help you adjust and coordinate your campaign and strategy to make the most of potential Web traffic.

There are multiple benefits to using pre-made AdSense Websites and incorporating blogs. Even though your Website may be full of strategically placed ads, the number of inbound and outbound links on your site can greatly increase your search engine automatically. This is just one great way to generate more traffic without too much extra work! RSS feeds let your visitors and users subscribe to any new information that you post; whenever you update your blog or publish an article, the headline gets sent to your RSS users. This gives them an efficient link to your site to review the whole article, and can give you more traffic whenever you introduce new content.

When creating your pre-made Adsense Website, do keep in mind the value of color coordination, making your site user-friendly, and providing valuable and insightful article information. You’ll gain increased user interest, and let people become more comfortable clicking and reviewing your AdSense advertising!
by Seth Willis Jr.

source : http://www.adsenseschool.com

content sites good for adsense

The most popular ad network for independent publishers is Google's AdSense program. AdSense is a "pay per click" (PPC) program, where you earn money each time one of your readers clicks on a Google-served ad. Since you earn money on clicks, rather than completed sales, PPC ad networks can provide a more reliable source of income for sites whose readers are not looking to make a purchase right away. Other notable PPC ad networks include the Yahoo! Publisher Network and Ad Voyager.

To know why Adsense is essential for your content sites is to know first how this works.

The publisher or the webmaster inserts a java script into a certain website. Each time the page is accessed, the java script will pull advertisements from the Adsense program. The ads that are targeted should therefore be related to the content that is contained on the web page serving the ad.

The first reason why Adsense is essential for content sites is because it already has come a long way in understanding the needs of publishers and webmasters. Together with its continuous progression is the appearance of more advanced system that allows full ad customization. Webmasters are given the chance to choose from many different types of text ad formats to better complement their website and fit their webpage layout.

Once registered with a merchant's program, you can create an ad or product link on your site using a snippet of Web code downloaded from the retailer. Some merchants go further and allow you to create virtual storefronts that match the design of your site, but where the retailer still handles all the inventory and commerce. Be careful setting up such arrangements -- unless you want customers coming to you for return and refund questions instead of to the retailer.

The different formatting enables the site owners the possibility of more click through from visitors who may or may not be aware of what they are clicking on. It can also appeal to the people visiting thus make them take that next step of looking up what it is all about. This way the people behind the Adsense will get their content read and making profit in the process.

The second reason is the ability of the Adsense publishers to track not only how their sites are progressing but also the earnings based on the webmaster-defined channels. The recent improvements in the search engines gives webmasters the capability to monitor how their ads are performing using customizable reports that has the capacity to detail page impressions, clicks and click-through rates.

If you are certain that your content is unique and valuable enough that readers would be willing to pay for it, you'll need to select a way to handle payments from your readers. The system could be as easy as asking readers mail you a check in exchange for your putting them on e-mail content distribution list -- a method which offers the advantage of not requiring any advanced Web server security set-up.

The last and final reason is that the advertisers have realized the benefits associated having their ads served on targeted websites. As opposed to those who are no using Adsense in their sites, they are given the option of having other people do their content for them, giving them the benefit of having successful and money-generating web sites.

Most PPC ads are text, but some PPC networks also sell image and Flash ads. Ads are sold and displayed based on an auction system, where advertisers bid on selected keywords and phrases that appear on network websites. The ad network looks for webpages displaying its ad code, then matches what it determines the content of a webpage to be with the most appropriate keywords and phrases that advertisers have bid upon.

Adsense is all about targeted content, the more targeted your content is, the more target the search engines’ ads will be. There are some web masters and publishers who are focused more on their site contents and how best to maintain them rather than the cash that the ads will generate for them. This is the part where the effectiveness is working its best.

There was a time when people were not yet aware of the money to be achieved from advertisements. The cash generated only came into existence when the webmasters and publishers realized how they can make Adsense be that generator. In those days, the content were the most important factors that is taken quite seriously.
by Samuel Colon

source : http://www.realmoneysolution.com.

15 April 2009

free download e-book : untold adsense facts

Untold Facts About AdSense you need to know in order to succeed with the program!

Yes, the money can be great, but if you don't learn how to build a site that attracts targeted traffic then you won't make much from AdSense.

Don't pay a cent for these "Get Rich Quick" books on AdSense. Many of them are all hype. Learn all you need to know for free.
click here to download this book.

source : http://www.2createawebsite.com/money/google-adsense.html

free download e-book : google's SEO starter guide

Google's Search Engine Optimization(SEO) Starter Guide is ebook that publish by google in english language. This ebook is a guide intended for the website and blog owners who are directly by Google to guide us in understanding the SEO directly based on the version of Google, is not based on myths which have always heard that we can often make us confused which is true. it was useful to webmasters that are new to the topic of search engine optimization and wish to improve their sites' interaction with both users and search engines, Although this guide won't tell you any secrets that'll automatically rank your site first for queries in Google.

Search engine optimization is often about making small modifications to parts of your website and affects only organic search results, not paid or "sponsored" results, such as Google AdWords.

click here to download this ebook.

adsense keywords for 22 hot niches

I’m pleased to offer the following adsense keywords that target 22 hot niches and potentially paying out high to very high average Earnings Per Click (EPC). The key word here is “average” EPC. Don’t be fooled by keyword lists that show very high 1st Bidder rates as Google only sets the rate at 1 cent higher than the 2nd Bidder, which could be significantly lower.

For example, the 1st Bidder for an Adsense Keyword could be $4.74 but the 2nd Bidder is only 86 cents resulting in the highest Bidder being only 87 cents. Additionally, Bidders in the 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th Bidders could all be under 50 cents which consequently result in the “average” Bid amount being 28 cents… a far cry from the $4.74 1st Bidder amount. So if you didn’t know before, I hope you know now. It’s important to be focused on the “average” not the highest bid. Of course, market size is the next consideration to determine potential traffic and income.

For more in-depth analysis on these keywords, visit my blog on adsense keywords and discover why they are recommended as good potential adsense keywords.

1. Cosmetic Surgery - $3.75 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.60

2. Document Management - $21.92 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $11.72

3. Mortgage Refinance Calculator - $17.15 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $8.67

4. Accounting Software - $25.22 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $10.90

5. Colon Cleanse - $4.55 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.93

6. Medical Alarms - $14.35 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $6.97

7. Sales Force Automation - $17.71 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $9.20

8. Accident and Sickness Insurance - $7.09 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $2.58

9. Search Engine Optimization - $17.68 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $8.04

10. Call Center Outsourcing - $8.08 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $3.32

11. Workers Compensation - $14.35 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $6.97

12. Business Degree Online - $20.90 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $11.24

13. Asbestos Lung Cancer - $11.52 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $3.74

14. Postcard Printing - $15.98 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $7.68

15. Free Business Cards - $4.64 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.84

16. Chicago Condos - $3.71 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.77

17. 2nd Mortgage - $32.15 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $16.19

18. Auto Rentals - $3.65 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.92

19. Business Phone Systems - $20.24 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $10.06

20. Discount Airfare - $2.00 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.10

21. Auto Insurance Quotes - $2.00 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $1.10

22. Domain Name - $13.41 with an Average Bid for the Top 10 Advertisers of $5.36

Document Management is a shining star with a huge average bid of $11.72, as does 2nd Mortgage with an even bigger average bid amount of $16.19 As you can see from the above list, their are several excellent opportunities and I encourage you to investigate them further with the case studies I have published, by visiting my Blog and seeing all the details. So there you have it. Adsense Keywords for 22 Hot Niches that are recomended due to their highest, but more importantly their average bids, as well as traffic expected for these keyword searches, and finally, for the level of competition with these adsense keywords.
by: Michael Constantinos

source : http://Adsense-Keywords-Gold.com

optimizing google adsense

This article will hopefully help you to achieve the maximum click through rate - and earnings - on Google Adsense.

1) Where to put your ads…

On the site that generates the most revenue (it’s a forum), I place my ads between the logo and navigation links and the main body content.

Remember, Google Adsense allows you to have up to three ad units on one page.

So, if it’s an article, you could have the ads in the three main sections or at the end of three sections – experiment and see what ad placement works best.

2) Ad colours

Optimizing your ad colours is one of the best way to improve your CTR (click through rate). Make your ads so that they have no border, the background colour is exactly the same as yours, and the text colour is the same as on the page as well.

Remember that if the ad colour picker doesn’t have the colour you want to use, you can edit the code with the #XXXXXX colour code.

3) Content of page

Keep the content of the page about one subject and make it full of keywords that are relevant – but don’t list keywords, only write good content. Don’t use hidden text either. You may want to write a page (or even create a site!), about high paying keywords – this page has a list on the high paying ones: http://keywords.clickhereforit.com/. Also, don’t clutter the page, keep the colour scheme the same, keep to the same fonts (Veranda / Arial type fonts work best).

Apply some of the methods here, and be sure to experiment, and hopefully you’ll notice an improvement in your payments. But remember the golden rule – NEVER CLICK ON YOUR OWN ADS! Good luck!
by: Ashley Sheppard

source : http://www.compuforums.org/.

google adSense: 7 sure ways for websites design that make money

Google AdSense: 7 Sure Ways For WebSites Design That Make Money

Owning an AdSense Google site is a great way to make money. To create an AdSense site, all that is required is to have a Google AdSense account (which is free), a website or a blog (which is free), and some articles (which are free if you write them yourself). Once you have your site up and running, the google AdSense ads will be targeted to your content.

Therefore, those surfing for your content will come in, read your articles, and have a high chance of being interested in the targeted ads. You will get paid every time someone clicks an ad. Provided you have optimize your site to maximize AdSense clickthroughs!

Let's look at seven ways for creating AdSense websites that make money.

1. Keyword Density

Prior to placing your ads on your site, be sure your keyword density is good. You certainly want the right kinds of ads to show up on your website. A free way to check what the ads will look like on your site is to go to http://www.resultsgenerator.com/adsense/ and type in your keywords. You will then be able to see exactly what ads would show on your site.

If you don't like what you see, then you know that you need to make changes to your keywords! You can get keyword suggestions from Results Generator from Overture or from the free trial version of niche bot.

2. Relevant

As informed ads will be based on your keywords, but they will also be based on your content as well. You certainly want your keywords and your content to match as much as possible.

3. Write frequently

The more information you have the better your website. Why? Because more content means more visitors will come visit your site. Many people recommend that you write a new article every day because no one wants to come back to your site to find the same old messages!

4. Select The Right Format

AdSense allows you to choose many special ad formats. Study has revealed that wider ads are more successful. The top three formats are:

" 336x280 large rectangle
" 300x250 medium rectangle
" 160x600 wide skyscraper

Additionally, the 468x15 horizontal ad link under the navigation bar is also a good bet.

5. Color Counts

You have the choice to generate a Google AdSense ad in several color of your choice. The greatest thing to do is to create your ad combine well with your site color scheme. You must make the border color and the background color the same color as your web site. You will want your text color to either be black or similar the color of your main content.

When selecting your Google AdSense ads it is suggested to use the color scheme and style of your website so that the ads blend in well. Ads without background color and borders perform better than ads within borders with background color.

6. Position Counts, as well

It is well acknowledged that visitors to a website look into the site to determine if it is worth reading. You certainly would like them to see and scan your AdSense ads. Hence, the best place to place them is in the top left part of your web page or directly under your headlines.

7. Add to The Number

AdSense allows you to use up to three AdSense units on a page, two AdSense search boxes, and one unit of ad links. Using all that you can increases the likelihood of earning money.

Keep these seven sure ways in mind when creating your AdSense site and you will find that your click through rates increases, thus increasing your money making prospective.
by: Ivonson Kwee

source : http://www.ivonson.com
, http://www.articlecity.com/articles/online_business/article_5414.shtml

more adsense tips in blogging

When I first made a “real website” by buying my own domain (Blogging the Internet), I started to tinker with various content management programs to build my site, and later learned that blogging is the easiest way. Now I’m sticking to it.

But at first I was one of the million newbie webmasters who are lured to the “get rich quick” paranoia” that abound in the internet and also tried my best looking for internet programs that will take me to that paranoia. I was utilizing various pre-hosted sites (my favorite is Freehostia in doing the test-and-try website building trying to find my own niche on the cyberspace and the same time hoping that I will earn somehow through it.

I joined pay per click programs (PPC) where you click banner and text ads and then pay you cents and worse joined a High-Yield Investment Program (HYIP) and was cheated. I lost a couple of dollars joining the site and I swear to myself that I will not join one again.

My frustration is getting worse when I also joined affiliate programs such as Commission Junction, Linkshare and SFI and expected to earn but to avail. These site as good in their own way but my skills in affiliate marketing is very poor and my highest earnings was about $20.40 from CJ when I used my own affiliate link to purchase my own domain.

I share some dilemma with people who say that “internet income is just a false dream”.

I am not a risk-taker especially on the internet. The last thing that I will want myself is to be a victim of internet fraud and loss my hard-earned money and like most cybercitizens I want money and if possible free from the internet.

Then I meet the leader of contextual advertising – AdSense.

AdSense program is 100% free and I have applied to it the moment I wonder why most sites I have visit has that ads powered by AdSense. I applied four times, three times rejected and finally allowed to post ads to my sites using their script code. It took me quite awhile to be able to put AdSense ads in my site considering that I am still learning how to make a site and my knowledge about PHP and HTML is limited.

Since I decided to focus on having a blog, I tried to invest an ad placement on my blog placement, having that trial and error process on making a good and professional looking blog and took a longer time finding a suitable Adsense Friendly template (I’m using Wordpress).

Adsense, like any other contextual advertising program uses your blog content and keywords to place related and suitable ads on your site in a way not to confuse your readers of what is your site all about and irritated for placing blatant advertising banners. The ads put by Adsense have a better chance to be click and earn money from it.

Though Adsense doesn’t allow you to select what ads will appear in your site, you can still exclude ads from your direct competitors (sites that have the same topic or products that you have).

How Adsense know what Ads are to place in your site?

Google uses bots (Google bots), an engine that regularly visits your pages and read your site content, keywords, structure and formatting of pages, language you use and tell Adsense to display ads related to what it sees. The bot also tells AdSense what IP address you use (your location) to display related ads near your region.

The longer that your site is up, the more the bot will access your site and later a tighter match f ads related to your blog will show up. Google bot mostly uses keywords as its tip to Google, so there is a need to use proper keywords on your post because for some reason Adsense prefers post with less picture and larger or bold text in zeroing the subject of your blog.

However, be careful in suing too many keywords. You may make Google Bot understands more quickly your site content but at the same time distracts your readers. A good post that is informative will surely attract readers and make them come back to your site, but you will, but using irrelevant and annoying keywords will drive them away from your site and instead look for other blog that is more useful to your read. Losing a visitor will also results to loss of your Adsense earnings.

Treat your readers by giving them useful information, and not to make them feel that you are just using your blog to make money. There’s nothing wrong in pleasing Googlebot and your readers at the same time. Why not hit the two birds with one big stone?

It will be a great help that your keyword is also your title and use them on your post as well. Ex. You write about computers, make sure it is in the title and repeated in the post so that tightly match of ads will also show thus having a high click through rate from your readers.

Try not to copy content from free sites. You will not only lose your credibility as a blogger, worse risking to be accuse of plagiarism and also getting Google irritated with splogs (short for spam blogs) post. Splogs is very dangerous because it may results to the termination of your account.

Anyway who advertise to your blogs?

Google has a program called Adwords, where business or site owners like you pay to advertise their product and services and also to drive real traffic to their websites.

These guys are bidding on a certain keywords related to their site content and pays some amount depending on the keywords popularity. They post their ads on Adwords and then it is being shown in Adsense.
by: Ernan Baldomero

source : http://www.ernanbaldomero.com, http://www.articlecity.com/articles/online_business/article_5430.shtml

get a Google Adsense Account tips

To whom it may not familiar with Adsense, It is a Google’s marketing program which allows website/blog owners to generate income from displaying relevant Google ads on their websites. AdSense matches the content of the website to ads within their AdWords program and displays the relevant ads on the website. The website owners will get income from their website visitors clicking the ads. And there are some success stories from people who profiting and earning thousand dollars from Google Adsense

So how you can get those kinds of ads displayed in your website? Basically you have to register you website/blog and get Google’s approval. But unfortunately not every request will get approved. I have a tip for you based on my experience obtaining approval from Google in my first try, here are the steps:

1. Set up your blog with www.blogspot.com. Blogspot is a Google own blogging service. Make a certain theme for your blog and make sure that the theme is a marketable theme.

2. Put several relevant contents to your blog. Google loves contents! If you choose “health” as your theme, then you can write anything about health. But let me remind you, you have to write them in English. If you think you can’t write and not really confident with your English, don’t worry about that. You can find relevant contents in free articles directory such GoArticles.com and Ezinearticles.com but don’t delete the author names and their links (usually available at the bottom of the articles). Don’t take credit on their works.

3. If you have put some relevant contents, wait about two or three days. When you edit the layout or format of your blog, it will appear an offer from Google to apply for Google Adsense account. If the offer does not appear, just visit www.google.com/adsense and register there.

Believe me, your Adsense account approval will send to your email address in several days and start make money with Google Adsense.
by: Henri Suryanto

source : http://sources-onlinebusiness.blogspot.com

14 April 2009

what is google adsense?

Google.com earns most of its revenue by allowing other website owners to advertise on their search result pages. All this is managed through a program they call AdWords.

Now you can earn a share of the revenue that Google earns from AdWords by displaying these same text ads on your site. In other words, you're helping Google advertise and they pay you a percentage of what they earn.

This program is called AdSense.

Every website owner should at least consider the program. Even if your site is just for information purposes, you can still participate and make decent money with AdSense -- or at least enough to fund your website.

So if you are one of those people that doesn't like the idea of paying for a site, this is an excellent way to earn your money back and then some.

source : http://www.2createawebsite.com/money/google-adsense.html

High Paying Google Adsense Keywords

Over the past several years Google Adwords has become THE most effective way to guarantee a steady stream of traffic and income for your website.
But without profitable high paying Adsense keyword list, you’re not going to make money, no matter how well written your ad is.

Here is a list of high paying keywords for Google Adsense. The rates shown are the average, updated February, 2009. The high paying keyword list provided here is just for keyword research and analysis purpose.

Please note that the rates given are what publishers pay google for top spots on google search results page. Rates for partner sites will be much lesser. Also google takes a good cut before passing it to the publisher. However the rates are true indicators for the earning potential for any certain niche. Here is a list of the known high paying keywords on the Adsense network to maximize revenue from your websites.

mesothelioma $84.08
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Adsense $11.13
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Source : www.sorve.com

Google Adsense Tips & Tricks

Are you Google Adsense publisher? How long time you following the Google Adsense program? For master publsher Google Adsense, maybe this site not usefully, but maybe this tips & tricks Google Adsense is very important for Google Adsense newbie. Google AdSense program is the leading advertisement network on the internet. Google Adsense use contextual system, so you ads on the your site, always following the content on you site. This site also compatible for others internet advertisement like Bidvertiser, Adbrite, Text Link Ads, Obeus and more. To effective your earning with Google Adsense program, you must following the 3 step simple tips and tricks google adsense to maximize Google Adsense earning.

1. HPK (high paying keyword)
HPK (high paying keyword)or top paying keyword is keywords in your website that high paying per click. so you, must be use the HPK (high paying keywords) to effective Google adsense earning. For example, if you website content have word "loan consolidation" will be get $ 14.83 per click but the word "office table" just will get $ 0.03. So, not other way to effective you earning besides use HPK. In 7 years ago the HPK (high paying keywords) can up to $ 90 per click. But now in 2009 year, $ 15 is HPK. The value HPK down cause many publisher not fair play and manipulative. The HPK for Google adsense is many term, like website perform, place, time, language and more. The below is group of HPK (high paying keywords). You can make a website with niche keywords in the HPK below.

2. Increase you website or blog online traffic
If you website or blog visiting 5.000 peoples per day, opportunity for click you ads is bigger better than 20 visiting. Many way to increase you website traffics. To get high traffics you must optimization includes meta tags, title text, optimization of content, and internal linking of your website. Here we will learn how to increase relevancy of ads and how to inject keywords that will help you get high paying ads. The way to increase website traffics like doing manual submit your website in search engine and directory. The new system of search engine use crawler or robot to explorer you website page and will be submit to search engine database. For wait the crawler submit our website in the database use long time, maybe can 3 months. To faster the search engine submit to the database, we must submit by manual. Besides submit to search engine and directory, to increase website traffics, use signature in e-mail address, forum, chat and comment. You must also join in the discussion forum, chat, make the inbound link to website. For fast search engine indexes your site, please update every day.

3. Ads format (place, color, type and size)
The place of you ads is very important. The ads in strategic place more opportunity click by visitor. For example, the ads in the above is more interest better than in the below, because the first attention of visitor always see in the above. Place your ads so that the visitor easy to view your ads, don't in the secret places & not see. The color also important, use the color for compatible your background website don cross with background. Besides place & color we also attentions for size ads. The big size is interest better than small size. For image type ads is more interest better than text ads.

source : http://www.top-hpk.we.bs/

sony ericsson xperia x1 - review


The Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 is the new flagship smartphone for the electronics giant. The Sony Ericsson Xperia X1 is the new flagship smartphone for the electronics giant.Surely a big surprise appears in the month of February. Utilizing event Mobile World Congress (MWC) 2008 in Barcelona, Sony Ericsson announced a series of new products as well as in their smartphone range. They give that smartphone with the name of the XPERIA X1.

Many of the surprises that show Sony Ericsson through this X1. for the First we discuss the name, XPERIA X1, it is clear that the new product at the Sony Ericsson series. During this time, Sony Ericsson smarphone labeled P series or M series. With the emergence of X1 can be later series P and M will disappear. But there is no official information from the manufacturer.

Implementation of this new design also have a strong reason.
Sony Ericsson want this smartphone product has a face real smarphone that in accordance with its function. During this P series are the property of Sony Ericsson products a little overwhelmed at competitors such as Nokia Communicator phone or PDA. Some observers say, the design is one of the higher-up the weak attraction P series to market.

X1 is a basic design of the slide side or sliding side. This mechanism is used to hold QWERTY keyboard device. But there is something new in the design of X1, the Arc-slider. This concept allows sliding movement screen X1 to slightly curved in, so that when the full open position of the screen facing the user.

Revolution is the next operating system Windows Mobile 6.0. Sony Ericsson, which uses Symbian OS UIQ smartphone in it, suddenly made the OS from Microsoft. Clearly, this course directly into the warm story in the smartphone market.

However, Sony Ericsson does not mean motionless in development. This is evidenced by the existence of the features user interface or user interface system it's called panel interface. this UI will display all the applications that we currently run directly on the desktop. Views such as this reminds us of widget applications on a PC. In addition to attractive and informative, the panel interface is to help users access the application quickly without the pace entering the menu.

Technology issues that have in X1 is also a less violent of the operating system or that design. For internet connectivity, X1 has HSDPA and HSUPA technology. With two packages this technology, X1 winning run in the internet ala 3.5 G for both upload and download. WiFi facility make internet so fast.X1 be reasonable if the product is most awaited by all.

SPECIFICATION sony ericsson xperia x1

Network : GSM 850/900/1800/1900 MHz. HSD
Dimension : 110 x 53 x 16,7 mm
Weight : 145 gram
Display : TFT 65.000 warna, Res. 800 x 480 pixel, Touchscreen
camera 3,2 Mpix, Res. 2048 x 1536 pixel, Autofocus, Flash, Video recording, Kamera video call.
Memory : Internal 400 MB, Slot kartu Memory Stick Micro (M2)
Feature : HSDPA, HSUPA, WiFi 802.11 b/g, EDGE, GPRS kelas 10, WAP 2.0/xHTML browser, Internet Explorer browser, Opera 9.5 browser, Bluetooth v2.0 dengan A2DP, USB 2.0, SMS, MMS, Email, Instant Messaging, Exchange ActiveSync, Java MIDP 2.0, Music/Video player, A-GPS, Motion sensor (dengan UI auto rotate), Radio FM, TrackID recognition, QWERTY keyboard, Optical joystick, Voice command
Batere : Lithium - ion
Standby Time: -
Talk Time : -

Source : http://www.handphone.co.id/

13 April 2009

it's true, for the first time writing an english blog

hallo world (hello world)

I remember the first lecture, first learned lecture is algorithm programing(if i am not wrong)and the first syntak is to display the characters "hello world" using algorithm and pascal language. It's also for my first blog and blog using english language, hopefully for the next can make any posts or blogs more better (can be received by the people of course) both content or language.

i am so inspired by my friend which they have a blog, a blog actually is nothing new for me, but it's not used to create by my self, because it's more comfortable for looking up people creaton. as a working world in IT, internet and web can not be separate from my life, science and many lessons that i learned from the blog.

I hope by writing this blog, I can express what I want and practice the knowledge I already get over this.

World, here I am ...

comments, criticisms or suggestions will be happy to accept, to make good blog.

thanks for your attention .... :D

source : my self.